directly. The address is Chevalier Publications, Box 194, Tulare, CA 93275.

I will naturally not lose interest in this field in which I have labored so long, nor will I forget the special friends I have in it around the country and the world, but I will retire from the public eye in order to live my own life as a woman in society. I will from time to time come up with some new ideas in the field and when I do you will get another Virgin Views column but I will no longer be under the pres- sure of a deadline which I "ought", "should," and "must" meet. So with that I say "farewell." I know that I have helped a lot of you and that you have learned from my efforts. Many of you have been kind enough to express your appreciation. But it hasn't been a one way street. In trying to help you, my readers, I have learned and grown myself. I am now a whole person, completely self accepting and at ease and successful in my relationships with others. I want to enjoy that condition in the future with freedom to do what I want when I want to do it. So my best hopes and good wishes to all of you, may you, too, find the acceptance and the internal peace that we all need, and with that I say farewell.

Dear Readers:

As you may notice, this is written on page #120. TVia is usually 96 pages long. This issue also has 24 pages of pictures against the usual 12 to 14 and pictures are more expensive both to prepare and to print (they require special plates) than textual material. Finally, 120 pages being about one-third larger than usual are about one-third heavier with a corresponding increase in postage.

The point of this is: If you feel that this particular issue was worth something more than the usual issues and would like to assist me a little bit with the extra costs involved, it would be greatly appreciated. Even #99 was about 20% more expensive than previously due to great increases in the price of paper and printing costs. That is behind me, but with that same increase added on to a one-third larger issue the cost of this issue is going to be much higher than planned for in your regular $6 price and the 15% postal surcharge.

If you do want to make a small donation for this please send it directly to me even though you subscribed through Carol in Tulare because through this issue I am the one financially responsible. Send it to Virginia Prince, Box 36091, Los Angeles, CA 90036 and thanks a lot.